Noname the Nothing - Reflections of a (not so ) ordinary garden ginomee

Noname the Nothing

Reflections of a (not so) ordinary garden ginomee
Why Worry?

Why Worry?

  Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere!

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  Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.

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  Some are lost in the fire-others are built from it!

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Elephant News!

Elephant News!

  It's a book! Trompet and Trombone, published by Duck, Creek Press, Auckland

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Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

  Earth is a unique and incredible planet -let's look after it! Happy Earth Day!

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Autumn Goodness!

Autumn Goodness!

 When you eat watermelon, you eat, drink and wash your face all at the same time!

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Hold on!

Hold on!

  When you get to the end of your rope... tie a knot in it and hold on!

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